Revisualizing Simple Data: Teaching Alternative Data Visualizations to Students through Bernie Sanders’ Social Media Graphic on the Digital Divide

Brumberger’s critical piece on teaching business student’s data visualizations presents complications about software usage in cases of charts and graphs. While complex data visualization creation may be necessary, another approach may help ease students into the understanding of visual rhetoric surrounding data. This approach, involving simple data statistics, creates a representation of the data through

We the People Defend Dignity: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the Iconic Women’s March Poster

“The rhetorical transformation of a new media image unfolds at differing speeds and in different spatial configurations, depending on what material forms it takes on, whether these manifest in physical or cyberspace, and any number of institutional, economic, political, or personal forces that shape their design, production, distribution, and maintenance.” Laurie Gries, On Rhetorical Becoming

The “Evocative Power” of Visual Argument: the “Condescending Willy Wonka” Meme and Blair

“The visual symbolism must register immediately, whether consciously or not. The arguer must know and relate not only to the beliefs and attitudes of the intended audience, but also to the visual imagery that is meaningful to it.” J. Anthony Blair, The Rhetoric if Visual Arguments In J. Anthony Blair’s “The Rhetoric of Visual Arguments,”